Friday, August 20, 2010

my camera it dies.

here's an extension to the thing im making... my camera, it fluttersby every once in a blue moon lately. Is this okay? I don't know. Can you forget how to take a picture? i did... but i did it anyway.
Well, i picked up my camera before i decided to animate this video
---> <--- and I shot my way into a story of loose arms. It worked out fine. I think. What does this mean?!? I sing. double raiinnbooowww

Thursday, August 19, 2010

extremities armtrimities

I don't understand why I'm saying this and why I have a blog to say it.
But my arms hurt. They don't necessarily hurt. They just feel like they're floating by the sides of my body. I think they hurt. I woke up like this, picture if you will. When my arms are pulled back it feels like I could be aerodynamic. dynamic. But I don't like flying. flying. Especially not in anything that is or concerns the word aero. I wouldn't know how to move in the air. So I don't like this poo of a feeling in my extremity armstremity. I seem to like my extremities though.
If there is a point that I should be making, this would be it... My arms feel loosely connected to my shoulders. Why is this a happy mistake? <--- that is a rhetorical one. My loosely connected arms have made a song and animated a video just for fun. just for fun.

Caution... you might want a return policy on the 3 minutes and twenty something seconds that you used up. I'm not one to provide this. wuhhoo.

extremities armtrimities from Aya Atoui on Vimeo.