Tuesday, November 23, 2010

click on me? listen to me! critique me! if you please?

This might be an epic fail... but I'd like to know if it is...
Some constructive criticism would be wonderful.

I just had the sudden urge to make music that didn't just sound like sound or noise.
I've always had trouble with harmony and thought of trying to harmonize... it took me a while, but I think the harmony is there... i think... I just don't know if it's right... I've had a few people tell me they liked it but if there is more to say in terms of constructive criticism, I would be so happy to hear it.

your current cottony companion (i done did an alliteration!),

oh! and here is a link to the piece in case you done didn't click on me above


peace in and from the middle east yo.

1 comment:

  1. It ends soon. A wonderful intro of a longer ensemble one of higher tempos. I wait for it to sink into the background and be overrun with more dimensions. Maybe it's the electronic bias I am used to, maybe it's the depth of Philip Glass's piano. Yet you shouldn't be compared to either.

    Keep up the good work, yo
